I have the privilege of walking alongside congregational leadership from time to time as they explore their vision, mission, values, and strategies. It is one of my great joys to join them in their process of discovering God’s particular call for their church. And I often seek to impress upon these leaders the importance of not only discovering vision, but also effectively communicating it over and over again.
But what about LCMC Texas District? What is the vision God is calling us to as an association of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ here in Texas? Even though the Texas District discerned vision several years ago, it is worth repeating … and remembering … the call that God has placed before us: to see disciple-making and church planting movements in and through our congregations across Texas. We have distilled this to a mission that more plainly states it: “Multiplying Disciples and Churches.”
LCMC has for years held that we are aspiring to be a first century church for the 21st century. As we look at the church we read about in Acts, “multiplying” is the best word to describe the explosive growth of the Christian faith. In Acts 2:47 we read, “Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” The Gospel spread from person to person as they shared the good news about Jesus. We read about churches being formed and leaders who were raised up and sent out to bring the message to others. And we believe that God is calling us to recapture that kind of missional spirit once again here in Texas.
It is worth noting that neither the Texas District Council nor I as Director of Mission Growth can multiply disciples and churches by ourselves. Rather we believe that this vision compels us to help lead our congregations to embrace and live into this calling that God has given us all. It is our job as District leaders to encourage and equip congregational leaders and pastors to help lead congregations to multiply disciples and churches. The Texas District’s role is primarily to support the frontline work of local congregations.
We have identified three primary strategic areas to provide congregational support to encourage and equip congregations to multiply disciples and churches: Church Planting, Church Revitalization, and Leadership Development. Over the next three months, I will walk through what God has been up to in each of these three areas and invite you and your congregation to consider how you can take your next steps towards sharing in God’s vision to multiply disciples and churches.
Pastor Bryce Formwalt is the Director of Mission Growth for the LCMC Texas District. Residing in Georgetown, Pastor Bryce is available to coach congregations on mission. Feel free to contact him with any questions or comments: 512-942-7776 or bryce@lcmctexas.org. Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lcmctexas