Have you ever found yourself reading a familiar Bible story when suddenly you are struck with a revelation? Isn’t it a joy to read and receive Good News in fresh ways?!?
Recently I was reading Matthew 20 and read once again the story of Jesus healing two blind men along the road outside of
Jericho. Jesus performed so many miracles and healings that we are prone to sometimes gloss over them and miss the
magnitude of what is happening. Compared to his many other miracles, this one can seem mundane.
Jericho. Jesus performed so many miracles and healings that we are prone to sometimes gloss over them and miss the
magnitude of what is happening. Compared to his many other miracles, this one can seem mundane.
In this particular story, the two blind men had heard that Jesus was going to be passing by on the road. So, they began
crying out to Jesus: “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” While the crowds sought to shush them, the blind men were
persistent in their cries. Hearing their persistence, Jesus calls out to the blind men, “What do you want me to do?” The men
replied “Lord, open our eyes.” Jesus healed their sight and immediately they followed Jesus.
crying out to Jesus: “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” While the crowds sought to shush them, the blind men were
persistent in their cries. Hearing their persistence, Jesus calls out to the blind men, “What do you want me to do?” The men
replied “Lord, open our eyes.” Jesus healed their sight and immediately they followed Jesus.
I wonder how much spiritual blindness we suffer from and simply have not had the faith, wisdom, or courage to cry out with any persistence “Lord, have mercy” to our miracle-working, sight-giving Lord. All too often we endure a less than abundant, faith-filled life, unable to see God and his activity in the world in order to both delight and participate in it.
All around our District I meet devoted church members and leaders who earnestly desire the church to be healthy, strong,
and often return to a day of former vitality. Yet I am convinced more than ever that the journey of following Jesus includes
the courage of blind men and women crying out to Jesus, “Lord, have mercy on us!” And when the pressures from within the church and out in the world both conspire to silence the faithful pleas for mercy, we are called to persist with an expectant, hopeful faith.
and often return to a day of former vitality. Yet I am convinced more than ever that the journey of following Jesus includes
the courage of blind men and women crying out to Jesus, “Lord, have mercy on us!” And when the pressures from within the church and out in the world both conspire to silence the faithful pleas for mercy, we are called to persist with an expectant, hopeful faith.
I believe that Jesus will hear the cries of the faithful. When he asks, “What do you want me to do?” I pray that we can have
the simple and pure faith to ask for vision: “Lord, open our eyes.” Open our eyes to see you for who you are… to see
ourselves for who we are… to see your kingdom… to see our neighbors… to see the least, and the lost, and the left out.
Jesus is faithful and will answer that prayer and give new vision.
the simple and pure faith to ask for vision: “Lord, open our eyes.” Open our eyes to see you for who you are… to see
ourselves for who we are… to see your kingdom… to see our neighbors… to see the least, and the lost, and the left out.
Jesus is faithful and will answer that prayer and give new vision.
Just imagine the life-giving renewal that Jesus could usher in through humble, honest, and faithful congregations following
Jesus into their future with clarity of vision and purpose!
Jesus into their future with clarity of vision and purpose!