HeBrews 10:24 on the Move in SA

In 2017, I introduced you to Chuck and Azeneth Knudson of New Braunfels who have been called to live on mission and to plant a church in San Antonio. God has given them a great vision to establish a church-owned coffee roasting / coffee shop “business” as a means to engage the Dellview community in ministry while providing sustainable financial support for their new church plant. Unfortunately, this vision has been difficult to live into as more obstacles than we could ever have imagined have interfered and delayed their efforts.
But today I have Good News: God is on the move as HeBrews 10:24 has experienced breakthrough in San Antonio! A large, neglected retail space in an old strip center in the heart of Dellview has been offered at a below-market lease rate. This would be an excellent location for a coffee shop and worship space. Located in a redevelopment district, HeBrews 10:24 will have an immediate impact in the community!
Cleanup is underway and plans are being developed, but we need your help! Willing workers and qualified trade professionals who could donate their time and talents to help fix-up the space would be most helpful. If you or someone you know is an architect, engineer, plumber, carpenter, painter, or concrete contractor and would be willing help, please let us know. Additionally, the costs to develop the space into a functioning coffee shop are significant. While exact figures are unknown, tens of thousands of dollars will be required to make this dream a reality. Would you be willing to help the cause?
I’d like to invite you as an individual as well as your congregation to consider making either a one-time gift or a monthly pledge to HeBrews 10:24 and their mission efforts in the Dellview neighborhood of San Antonio. Gifts can be made electronically through our website at www.lcmctexas.org/give. Be sure to select “HeBrews 10:24 – San Antonio Mission”.
If you’d like to learn more about what God is up to through HeBrews 10:24, please contact me. I’d be happy to share with you and can arrange a time for you, your group, or congregation to meet the Knudsons and hear first-hand what God is up to through them. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of mission partnership.
Pastor Bryce Formwalt is the Director of Mission Growth for the LCMC Texas District. Residing in Georgetown, Pastor Bryce is available to coach congregations on mission. Feel free to contact him with any questions or comments: 512-942-7776 or bryce@lcmctexas.org. Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lcmctexas

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