For more than a decade, Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) has invited members of congregations to engage in an intentional period of prayer at the beginning of each year. Known as “Three Days of Prayer”, former LCMC Service Coordinator Mark Vander Tuig established this annual practice to draw our collective attention back to the throne of grace. He boldly shared his conviction that “the church of Jesus Christ will never rise up until it first falls on its knees.”
Once again, the call goes out to you and to me. On January 2-4, 2024, we are invited as the body of Christ to follow our Lord Jesus’ example to pray, pray, and pray some more! And if you are reading this message after those specific dates, please set aside your own three days of prayer. There’s nothing special about the particular days themselves, other than it is an annual reminder to set aside an intentional time for focused prayer.
While we do not need set formulas or pre-written prayers to direct us as we pray, some may find it helpful to prepare prayer guides to focus their time. Consider organizing your thoughts with a list of prayer topics. I would encourage you to set aside specific times of day in which you pause, center yourself before God, and offer your prayers in Jesus’ name. For some, the historic practice of pausing for prayer every third hour is a helpful pattern. For others, a morning and evening routine of extended prayer time is more fitting. Still others will gather in groups with their church for a time of corporate prayer on each of the three days. Another idea is to organize a round-the-clock prayer vigil for 72 hours of continuous prayer.
The point is this: how we pray is not nearly as important as it is that we pray. The same can be said regarding what we pray for. First and foremost, give to God in prayer all that is on your heart and mind. Ask for God to guide you as you pray through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring to mind what to pray for. We trust as the Apostle Paul teaches in Romans 8 that the Holy Spirit will indeed intercede for us when our own words run out.
Our LCMC staff has developed a helpful prayer guide filled with ideas and resources. You can find it at www.lcmc.net/three-days-of-prayer. This year, we are invited to pray for our congregations and leaders, for those who do not yet know Jesus, and for the church around the world, especially our international mission partners. I would also ask that we remember to pray for the raising up and sending out of future ministry leaders. In Matthew 9, Jesus says, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers out into his harvest.” We have so much for which to pray. As we begin a new year, I pray that we may see God move in and through his church. Let it start with you and me on our knees.