Well that was fun!
2022 LCMC Texas District Annual Gathering
Keynote Presenters:
Jeremy Walloch
Olivet Lutheran Church – La Crosse, WI
Jeremy Walloch currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Olivet Lutheran Church in La Crosse, Wisconsin. A Wisconsin native, Jeremy attended Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa before serving on staff at a megachurch in Moorhead, Minnesota, as a lead pastor in Giddings, Texas, and as a church planter in Mesa, Arizona.
Jeremy has a passion to magnify the Word of God. He has regularly contributed to By the Word, LCMC’s national newsletter and currently serves on LCMC’s church planting team. He is the instructor for Preaching in Harvest Workers, our online ministry training program. During his time in Texas, Jeremy also served LCMC Texas on the District Council and the Mission Team.
Jeremy approaches the topic of prayer with these three truths in mind: Prayer is easy, life-changing, and we are bad at it! In his keynote entitled P.R.A.Y., Jeremy seeks practical answers to this important question: How can we keep prayer simple, keep it honest, and keep it going amidst everything else going on in our lives? Together, we will walk through a simple expression of prayer that can help each of us to experience God and seek his will in it.
Jeremy has been married to his high school sweetheart, Michelle, since 2002. They are the proud parents to four daughters and a boy dog. Besides Jesus and his family, Jeremy also enjoys golf, guitar, and coffee.
Mike Bradley
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ – Gilbert, AZ
Mike Bradley serves as Service Coordinator for Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ. With over 40 years of leadership in Christian ministry, Mike has served in congregations in Nebraska and South Dakota in variety of ministry roles as well as President for The Master’s Institute Seminary and Director for the Alliance of Renewal Churches (ARC) network.
Mike is a graduate from Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota and Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California. He is passionate about helping leaders and congregations create an atmosphere that is a safe place for developing healthy leaders and disciples and equipping God’s people for effective witness in the world. He is the author of the book, Being a Safe Place for the Dangerous Kind.
In his keynote entitled The Joy of Praying for Workers for the Harvest, Mike will share a vision of God’s spirit igniting a flame of motivation for prayer and through prayer in our lives. He will help us to recover a motivation of love, joy, and compassion in praying for workers for the harvest that will see millions of people being drawn by God to faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord, rather than settling for prayer as a passionless duty and obligation.
Mike enjoys sports of all kinds and is a former high school basketball and baseball coach. He and his wife, Debi, enjoy reading, hiking, and swimming. Mike also loves to golf. They have five adult children, three grandsons and two granddaughters. They make their home in Gilbert, Arizona with their four-year old white Labrador, Maggie Mae.
Lalahery “La” Andriamihaja
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church – Victoria, TX
La was called to serves as Senior Pastor of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Victoria, TX in 2019 and is affectionately known as “Pastor La” for ease. A native of Madagascar, Pastor La is a 4th generation Lutheran and a 3rd generation Lutheran pastor. He is a graduate of Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota and has previously served as an associate pastor in two congregations and a church planter in a third, all in the Minneapolis area.
Pastor La and his wife Hanta are blessed to be the parents of with two adult daughters. In ministry, he thoroughly enjoys teaching Bible Study, preaching the Word of God, and building relationships with people of all ages, cultures, ethnicity and backgrounds. He also delights in having fun with friends and family and learning new things.
Julie Smith
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ – Springfield, Minnesota
Julie Smith has served as LCMC’s Coordinator for Districts and Fellowship Groups since 2021. A graduate of Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, she has previously served as pastor of three congregations in Minnesota. In addition, she served for several years as a Bible camp director. She is also a co-founder of St. Paul Seminary.
Julie loves any opportunity to teach, whether that’s leading silly Bible skits with first graders or giving seminary students some pointers in preaching. She has previously served on the LCMC Board of Trustees and has worked with the Augustana and Epiphany Districts of LCMC.
Julie also enjoys cheering on her seven nieces and nephews in their activities. She is an avid sports fan, particularly high school football and NBA basketball. Like many Minnesotans, Julie relishes summer days at the lake with the Twins on the radio. Just don’t ask her about the Vikings!
Make plans for your Middle and High School students
to attend this year’s Youth Gathering July 29-30, 2022 in Victoria!
We are excited to announce our fourth annual YOUTH GATHERING for ALL STUDENTS grades 6-12! Students will grow in their faith through learning from inspiring presenters and doing ministry with others their own age from across the state! Along the way, they’ll meet lots of new friends, have fun, eat some great food, and be encouraged to live faithfully in their everyday lives.
Coinciding with the Annual Gathering, the Youth Gathering has its own schedule including a lock-in. Cost is just $50 and includes snacks, dinner on Friday evening, breakfast on Saturday, lunch on Saturday, and a t-shirt. Transportation and lodging will be the responsibility of each church and/or family. Please spread the word about this awesome opportunity for your students!
Questions? Contact Bryce Formwalt or Alyssa Moore: 512-942-7776 or info@lcmctexas.org.
This year we will hold one Pre-Gathering Seminar which will take place from 1:00 to 4:30 pm on Friday. Join us as our presenters each dive deeper into our theme verse from Matthew 9:38. John Waak, pastor of Martin Luther, Giddings will begin with a presentation entitled The Heart of Prayer. In the second session, Julie Smith of LCMC will share a teaching based upon Luther’s catechism in her talk, Jesus Prays for Us. After a mid-seminar break, Mike Bradley of LCMC will dive into Jesus’ invitation to join in the essential function of prayer in his session, God Involves Us. In the final session, When a Loving God Doesn’t Seem to Answer Your Prayer, Jeremy Walloch will tackle one of the most challenging topics around unanswered prayer and how to keep faith in a loving Father when heartfelt pleas seem to be ignored.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend the Pre-Gathering Seminar. Please make sure you add the “Pre-Gathering Seminar” option onto your ticket when you register. Cost is $15!
First English, Victoria will be preparing a BBQ Chicken Dinner on Friday night. Dinner will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Advance tickets may be purchased with registration for just $12. For late registrants, dinner tickets will cost $17. Proceeds from the BBQ Chicken Dinner will go to benefit the LCMC National Youth Gathering.
Love Listens: Bringing Alpha Courses to Your Congregation
Jeremy Walloch
La Crosse, WI
Being listened to is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a safe place for people to be listened to — to ask honest questions about God and life? Alpha courses can be that place. Jeremy has been a trained Alpha leader since 2008 and has offered Alpha courses, Alpha youth courses, and Alpha marriage courses in a variety of contexts, and will share ways for you to introduce them in your community. Offered Sessions 1 & 2.
Mission Partnerships: Out of Africa La Andriamihaja
Victoria, TX
In Matthew 9 and Luke 10, Jesus promises an abundant harvest, but he also reminds us that the workers are few. In this talk, we will discover some ways congregations and leaders can be preparing for the harvest that God desires in our communities and beyond. We will also learn about Harvest Workers, a new online ministry training program to equip future ministry leaders to evangelize the lost, disciple the found, and to raise up new leaders to make and multiply disciples. Offered Sessions 1 & 2.
Christ is the Heart of
the Great Sending
Stephen Sohns
Spring, TX
The church is stuck in a box. We arrange it, argue around truth, remember the past, and try to improve the box. The lens of God’s Great Sending catapults us into his sending mission. This breakout will examine the Biblical and theological foundations for God’s beating heart for the world and practical ways to change the trajectory of church by refocusing the local church on a “Sending” mentality. Offered Sessions 1 & 2.
Spiritual Formation in the
Christian Ascetic Tradition
John Waak
Giddings, TX
As Christianity wanes in the West, the pursuit of other spiritualities is increasing. This breakout explores the classic Christian spiritual disciplines as the unsurpassed way to grow into one’s true self as a child of God. Participants will learn the disciplines Jesus practiced. They will also see how those same disciplines became the traditions of fervent spiritual formation in the dynamic early church. As a result, participants will be prepared to grow in an authentic, biblical, and fruitful spiritual life. Offered Sessions 1 & 2.
Building Upon the Rock: Rights & Religion in a Tumultuous World
Zach Mize
Hutto, TX
“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” This breakout will explore how our churches, Christian schools, and ministries can best weather the storm of a rapidly evolving American culture and answer important questions that are challenging the religious freedoms of the church today. Offered Sessions 1 & 2.
When Our Own Words Fail
Julie Smith
Springfield, MN
Jesus’ first disciples asked him to teach them to pray and he gave them the words that we know as the Lord’s Prayer. This simple, yet profound, prayer provides us with words when our own words fail. As we consider the theme of praying for the Lord to provide workers for the harvest we will focus on three petitions: “Give us this day our daily bread.” “Thy kingdom come.” “Thy will be done.” As we dig deeper into what these three petitions ask of our Lord we will come to see how he anticipates our needs before we even think of them. Offered Sessions 1 & 3.
Harvest Workers: Online Ministry Training Starts Here
Bryce Formwalt
Georgetown, TX
Have you ever thought about the church’s need for pastors and leaders in the future? Harvest Workers is an online, on-demand ministry training program that is creating a new pathway to affordably equip future ministry leaders. Join Program Director Bryce Formwalt for an overview of Harvest Workers and how you and your congregation can get involved. Offered Sessions 1 & 3.
How to Grow the Church in a Spiritually Declining Society
Caleb Williams
McDade, TX
There are many groups that will tell you how to grow the church, but are they faithful or effective in our spiritually declining society? Come and learn how New Hope has discovered that by focusing on what we believe, why we believe it, and what that means is key to attracting people and making disciples. With renewed emphasis on the congregation being the body of Christ and giving people the opportunity to do the work locally, a new a purpose within the church and community is ignited. Offered Sessions 1 & 3.
Life After the Life of a Pastor
Mark Vander Tuig
Altoona, IA
When pastors retire from the vocation of ministry, some still choose to find employment either out of interest or out of financial need. The life of a pastor is unique in many ways, but finding employment after church ministry can be a fascinating new chapter. Come and consider some important steps to take in order to prepare for that next chapter. Offered Sessions 1 & 3.
Staples of a Super Steward
J. Brown
Legacy Deo
https://www.legacydeo.org/Austin, TX
Money is a major topic throughout the Bible. While it isn’t the most important thing in life, God is very serious about how we handle the gifts that he has entrusted into our care. J. Brown of Legacy Deo will walk you through principles of money management and financial investments for the purpose of Christian stewardship and facilitating Legacy giving. Offered Sessions 1 & 3.
The Whole Disciple
Steven Bradley
Grapevine, TX
Our schedules and calendars are full as we pick and choose what we can spend our time and energy on, and it’s impossible to fit every church program, sports practice and school event into our “to-do” list. The purpose of this breakout is to shift from the mindset of “compartmentalized faith” to living wholly as disciples. We will begin with the theological foundation of living wholly as Christ’s disciple and then explore realistic and practical ways this happens in everyday life. Offered Sessions 2 & 3.
The Thrill of Orthodoxy
Luke Allison
Bulverde, TX
Our culture’s heart beats a little faster at the idea of resisting authority, institutions, and ideas deemed regressive. This heartbeat can easily begin to resonate in the church, resulting in the current trend of deconstruction and deconversion that we see in Christians of all ages. Many leaders in the church have given in to what they see as inevitable and started to deemphasize orthodox doctrine and theology. What if the true adventure of the Christian faith, the real heart-pounding thrill ride, comes from articulating and experiencing the joy of orthodoxy? In this breakout we’ll explore deconstruction, doubt, doctrine, and how “white hot orthodoxy” is the only way forward for the Church. Offered Sessions 2 & 3.
Music for Joy
Percy & Ada Smerek
Medina, TX
In their married life together, Percy and Ada have discovered various scriptures that opened doors to verses and melodies that they delight in sharing with others. From Psalm 19 and “Shout for Joy” and Proverbs 4:10 and “The Years of Your Life” the heart of scriptures come out in song. The timing of “Lord Quiet Me” in Percy’s life is a story of God’s mercy. The heart of the Emmaus story in Luke 24 is carried in the song “Emmaus Road.” Come share in the joy! Offered Sessions 2 & 3.
Small Group Worship
Chuck Knudson
San Antonio, TX
What does authentic, faithful worship look like for a missional community that is seeking to connect with people far from God? Taking cues from Ray Vaughn (No Place Left), Greg Finke (Joining Jesus on His Mission), and liturgy from our Lutheran heritage, Hebrews 10:24 has created a welcoming and faithful worship environment for people who are often forgotten by most churches. Come explore and share ideas about how a missional small group or house church may begin to worship invitationally and evangelically with those who would never set foot in a church building. Offered Sessions 2 & 3.
Abortion, Texas Law, and Prayer: How Hearts are Changed
Barb Geistfeld
Spring Branch, TX
Abortion is tearing apart our nation and our churches. In 49 years, we’ve gone from “illegal” to “safe, legal, and rare–very rare” to “shout my abortion” and swallowing abortion-inducing drugs on the SCOTUS steps. Some state laws allow abortions up to birth and after. New Texas laws have drastically decreased abortions. How can the body of Christ be gospel-motivated voices for life in the heat of pro-abortion rhetoric and legal battles? Offered Sessions 2 & 3.
Prayer Time
This year during each of the breakout sessions, there will be a Prayer Room option. The Prayer Ministry Room is available for any who would like to pause and pray and will be staffed by pastors or other prayer ministers who will be ready to pray with you. “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.” (Jeremiah 29:12) Offered Sessions 1, 2 & 3.
Contact Bryce Formwalt at 512.942.7776.